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Character sides for the feature film, “The Devil’s Deceit” written and produced by Walter Martin. If you are interested in any of these characters, we ask that you audition at: Office Options (Freeman Webb Building) 9041 Executive Park Dr. Suite 250 (Awning B) Knoxville, TN 37923 on Friday, November 20th and Saturday November 21st, during the hours of 10am-5pm, we do ask if you could please bring a professional headshot photo and resume if possible.


NOTE: You must be prepared with the lines memorized for the role(s) that fit your description.

Due to CDC regulations regarding COVID-19 precautions are in place. Temperatures will be taken upon arrival, masks are highly recommended & we will also have hand sanitation stations setup.
Contact us and we will try and make other arrangements for you to audition.


Non Disclosure Agreement.
All information pertaining to this audition for “The Devil's Deceit” production is soley to be used for no other purpose than for roles featured in this film. We request that you keep all information confidential as we do have copyrights.


***For more information you may contact at the email address, the website address: or you may reach out to us on messenger on The Devil’s Deceit Facebook page, to schedule your audition date and audition time***



(Early 30’s, African American. Handsome and alluring, in shape.

Explaining to Cade about how he operates. Speaking with impatience and heavy emotion to get his point across.)


“I think you should forget everything you have heard about me and let me SHOW you who I am. If you spell evil backwards you get live, and that’s all I want you to do – LIVE! The people in control of the world - GODs PEOPLE – are everywhere telling crazy lies and keeping them alive in hopes of thwarting my possible friendship to humans. It’s quite crazy, but you know what…I never let it bother me. God knows I’m kicking His butt and will let His minions say anything to keep His name alive. Look at the world though… who do you think is winning? It’s a bunch of god’s out here, but only one me!”



(Age 30s, Caucasian, slim)

Feeling bad for himself in his jail cell as he talks to his roommate, Ramsey. He is in disdain about his imminent return home after serving over a decade in lock-up


“I have plans and dreams, man - BIG ONES! But, hell, everyone has a plan until they get hit in the mouth. Right? THEN WHAT?... All I know is ain’t nothing about to be easy when I step outta that gate. I’m going to stay in a house full of junkies under my ex girlfriend’s mother’s roof! My child has to see all of this, bro. How do you think that is going to affect her? How can I feel like a man when I have nothing more than a dream?! I have NOTHING to offer her.”



(Age 40s, Caucasian, prison muscular build)

Leaning in on Cade at a book signing table , he rails off on his former cellmate


“What the hell has gotten into you, man! Since when do we treat each other like this? Huh? Is this what the money and fame has done to you? Don’t forget where you come from, man! I know you! I know you! You ain’t like that! You ain’t that guy! You’re fooling yourself!



(Age 30s, Caucasian, slim, drug addict)

Sitting at the breakfast table she is fed up with hearing what Cade has to say and rails off on him, her emotion from years of hurt and left alone to raise a child solo evident.)


“ I want you to feel the pain that I’ve felt all these years trying to raise your child on my own out here. You left us! And now you want to come home and focus on some stupid pipe dream. You suck as a writer, ok? YOU SUCK. Your ambition outweighs your talent. Don’t know if anyone has told you, but I will. But you know what….I hope you make it…. I hope you make it really big, so I can take as much of your little fortune as I possibly can.



(Early 60’s, Caucasian)

Frail from being sick through the years. Speaks weakly to her son on her deathbed. She beams, then expresses to her son a warning from a dream she had the night before. She is distant in her recount of the dream


“ I had a dream about you last night...I saw you as a bird in the sky, flying high toward the sun and all of its glory. You looked good… ( pause and reflect, becomes dark) Suddenly you took a nose dive into the ground. You laid there hurt and broken, flopping around but not dead. But you were a crippled version of yourself. Do you know what this dream means?”



(30s, Caucasian, tall and athletic)

At dinner, speaking condescendingly to his old high school friend


“You think God is going to bless you with a successful writing career after what you did? What, because you went to church and sang a few songs while you were gone? Learned a few verses to the bible? I got a friend over at the DA’s office that says they bring more people to God than any preacher can. So I know it takes more than some prison religion to get blessings from Him. Your kind ain’t nothing new out here, man. Now, if you will excuse my wife and I are trying to enjoy our dinner date.”



(40’s, African American, heavy set, feeble-looking and humble)

Speaking to Cade and sadly having to deny him a room in his home after Cade goes homeless


(Stammering) “Hey, I’m sorry, man but we got four kids running around at the house and we barely have room for the ones we have under our roof. Finances are so strapped now that we've lost so much work due to Covid -19. I’ve thought about leaving this for selling cars, and I don’t know a thing about that. Plus my wife would kill me if I had a felon in the house. I mean, I know you aren’t a violent criminal and all, but….you know how women can be….”



(Very early 20’s, Caucasian, pretty)

Young pop star is struggling with her career, standing on a ledge speaking distantly to Cade before she jumps


“You ever wonder why this world has to be so cruel? Do you have any idea what I have had to do to get here? And for what, just to lose it all because I won’t play by some psycho’s rules? Nobody even cares about me anymore. I already feel dead, so maybe falling from this ledge won’t be so bad.( beams eerily) Who knows, it could be better on the other side. In fact, I think it is….no heaven, no hell….just a fresh start.”


(50’s, Caucasian, youthful)

Cool mom to Chance. Lukewarm Christian. Having to kick Cade out of her house before an ensuing battle begins between Cade and Terry


“Listen, don't you worry bout a thing these fools are saying about you. They have no future aside from that poison they put in their veins every day anyway. I believe God has so much in store for you, and that you will do great things, but you know it won’t be safe for you here anymore. I’m so sorry, but you have to go Cade, ( dramatically) You know Terry! He won’t just sit back and let this incident slide. He’s gonna want to get payback for what your friend did.”



(30’s, Caucasian, trashy, tattoos, gold teeth and cornrows)

Insulted by what the devil says he gives him a piece of his mind, his agitation apparent, voice rising as he goes


“Man, who you callin’ a junkie, bruh? You coming around here barking like a big dog or something. Whoever wants smoke around can get as much as they want. Just cause you out here looking like the president doesn't make you no exception. I’ll give it to you quicker just to prove a point.”



(40’s, African American)

Sensing that a few soldiers need to get home he gives the order to Cade to take them back to the barracks


“Marshall and Reyes here have had a bit too much to drink and It’s my understanding that you will be taking some time off to see your daughter back home, if it’s not too much trouble, do you mind giving these two a ride back to base before they get into any more trouble.


(40’s, African American)

Well spoken, open gender, trying to convince Cade to stay in hospital to recover


“Mr. Cade, in my professional opinion it would be very irresponsible of you to check yourself out of this hospital against the staff’s order. PLEASE, SIR! You have to take what you are doing into more wise consideration. I do not want to have to save your life again...although I will if I have to. I wouldn’t suggest going down this road….”



(60’s, Caucasian, alcoholic)

In a slightly drunken stupor he gives his son a piece of his mind, disgust in his soul


“You’re still the same old punk ass son that I raised. Just a lil baby. No matter what you have accomplished in life, you are still a disappointment to me. You may have the world fooled, but not us-we know you! You ain’t no good for anybody but Gabriel Cade! All that money you make, everything that you could do for your family, and you do jack shit for them? You ain’t nothing to be proud.”



(30’s, male, Open Ethnicity)

Explaining to Cade that he might want to rethink his writing career


“Hey, man, listen, I know you have split interests and all, but this is a good place for you to be in life-just in case that writing stuff doesn’t pan out for you. That’s just a reality. Success like you want doesn’t happen often, you know. Ask yourself many books have you actually sold so far? Don’t lose sight of what you have here.”



(60’s, Open Ethnicity, worn out, shaggy)
Trying to motivate Cade to continue following his dream after being discouraged by manager


“Hey, man, just stay patient. Your time is coming-you just gotta believe it. You don’t keep that laptop in that bag with you every day for nothing. There’s gold in your words. You just have to figure out how to cash in on them. When you do, you are going to forget about everything you've been through, but this will have been worth it.



(mid 50”s, Caucasian)
Feeling insulted, christian woman


“You people? What does that even mean? Since when are we not family? There’s something eating at you, my child. You’re gonna have to let go of things and forgive the ones you feel have wronged you in the past. I know it’s a hard thing to do at times, but...that hate can only lead you on a path of destruction that there is no coming back from. Cherish while we are here.”



(40’s, Caucasian)
Regal, condescending


“What a surprise to see you here. You choose your life lines well, I see. Maybe it’s time you rejoined us? I’m willing to let bygones be bygones, for the simple fact that I hate to see your career go so far downhill. I’m sure we can work something out where both parties involved will get what they want.”



(30’’s, African American)
Fiery christian, talking to Cade and trying to motivate him to keep his head up. High energy and great sense of humor


“Well, let me tell you something; the devil is only in a person’s head. He doesn’t truly have power over any of us. He manipulates us, sorta like a pimp would do to you. (giggles) Makes you think that you need him when in all reality, he is simply holding you back collecting your money, baby! That money is all your blessings he wants to keep you from. He uses your weakness as his strength. Don’t let that punk win. He’s only as strong as you allow him to be.”



(16 year old teen, Caucasian)
Cades daughter


“I liked you better when you had nothing more than hopes and dreams, when you were broke and living in my grandma’s house leaving me bible verses every morning. I waited all those years for you to come home so I could have a father, a protector. I needed you! Mom was always too high to bring me to see you, but whenever she did it meant the world to me. Now I don’t even know if you have a soul. Was everything you pretended to be a lie?!”



(30’s, Caucasian, rough-neck, far right winger)


“Hey, we found out where your boy is staying. Figured I’d go ahead and let you know, just in case you want us to pay him a visit. You know, a little wake up call. You tell me what you want to do and it’ll get done.



(Open Ethnicity, haggard old man)
Responding to Cade who questions why the group of homeless people are not helping a woman who is being beaten on


“We were waiting for you to come save her! Ain’t nobody got time to be wrestling with this big ass dude! Go on and jump on in there and get your ass whooped so we can all sit back and talk about it.”



(40’s, Open Ethnicity, husky)
Snapping at CADE for breaking up his ensuing assault of a homeless woman.


“Mind your business, boy, before you get hurt out here! This bitch stole my money, and I want it back! Unless you gonna pay it back for her, shut the hell up and kick rocks!”


(20’s Open Ethnicity, skinny and run down)
Being beaten on, in front of the crowd, she pleads that she didn’t do anything wrong


“I didn’t take no money from you, man. You’re crazy, You ain’t got nothing that nobody wants You need to quit messin’ with that dope.”



(Male, African American, any build)
Walking up to meet Cade at a very expensive car dealership on Parkside Drive, shakes hand


“Mr. Cade, welcome to “Vol Auto” where we put dreams in driveways. How can I help you achieve your goal today?”



(Female, Open Ethnicity, any build)
standing in amazement as a large car hauler loads up expensive cars that Cade just bought at once


“Don’t know who this rich guy is, but he ’s got a whole rig to pick up his cars.”


(preferably Latino)

 Very stunning devil comes to Ramsey and sweetly tempts him to kill Cade


“I saw what happened with you and the rich guy. He shouldn’t have treated you like you were beneath him just because he has the money to do so. I mean, you were supporting him, and that’s the thanks you get? I think people like him should be taught a lesson, to bring them back down to the earth from which they rose in the first place. Do you want to teach him a lesson?”



(mid 50’s, Open Ethnicity)


“The next time you talk to my wife like that we’re gonna see just how much your security team is worth, because I’m not about to have you talk to my wife that way. I was whooping your ass as a kid and I damn sure ain’t impressed with what I see as a man. I’m itching to use my belt again on you.”


(20’s-30’s, Open Ethnicity)
Walking up to Cade when he is brought to the mansion for the first time


“Hello, Mr. Cade, welcome home. We will make sure that all of your needs are taken care of while you are healing.”



(20’s-30’s African American)
Approaches with the Nurse #1


“Yes sir, we are here to help you in any way that we can. Let us know how we may be of assistance to you.”


(30’s to 40’s, Open Ethnicity, large, muscular male)
Bodyguard for Cade


“Mr. Cade, the name is Vernon, and Mr. Lucifer arranged for me to pick you up and get you home safely. Everything you could possibly need has already been taken care of for you, including medical supplies. Are you ready to pack up and get out of that cold, depressing hospital room?”



(20’s, Latino)
Military guy from out of town, joking / laughing at his friend who is puking from drinking


“Silly white man challenged me to a Tequila contest. We wanted to do Cerveza, but that’s just flavored water that runs through you at this point. He’d probably still be pukin’ either way, but I’d be pissin’ beside his head instead if we drank the beers..”



(20’s, Open Ethnicity)
Military guy from out of town, giving Cade hell when he says go VOLS


“Why is he talking about his balls, isn’t that highly inappropriate for a military man?
You pray to God with that same mouth, soldier? Or do you just kiss your mother with it?”



(Open Ethnicity, Attractive)
no nonsense


“Hello, Mr. Cade, pleasure to meet you. I will be your personal assistant and your damage control for when the girls come around claiming the babies are yours. Let’s keep the babies to a minimum, yes? Also, I will have you booked on every nationally televised program in the world within a week. I hope you’re ready, because I don’t mess around.”



(young, male, Open Ethnicity)
Arrogant, walks up to Cade and bum at the bar and hurries them out of the building


“What’ll it be, fellas. And hey, do me a favor, make it quick. You two are drawing negative attention. If you hadn’t noticed when you walked in, this isn’t exactly your crowd. I’d make these drinks to go and serve them to you out of the back door if I could, but, you know…”


(40s, Caucasian, open body type)
Cade’s brother, berating his brother at a family gathering


“You mean to tell me you are too busy to spend time with your own dying mother? What could be more important? Going to some movie event for a bunch of people who only love you because of your fame? Missing out on the Oscars? Really? You need to take a good look at yourself and what you have become, because you ain’t the person I picked up from the jailhouse my brother.

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